Return Policy

Refund Policy


We strive to deliver you the best in quality and value, if for any reason you are not satisfied with your order we are happy to take back the product and issue you a partial refund of your purchase starting at 20% for restocking and will go up from 20% depending on the condition of the item.

  1. Products can only be returned if they are still in their original condition and packaging. Used products, or products damaged by the customer will not be eligible for refund.
  2. Request your Return Shipping Label by emailing jessi.bieker@containernut.com with detailed reason for return and pictures or a video of the product that supports your reason. Upon approval you will receive a shipping label via email from us.
  3. Upon the receipt of your package, your products will be examined and a partial refund will be issued to your original method of payment. A refund receipt will be emailed to the email address you used when making your original purchase.


Please understand that we issue refunds as soon as UPS picks up your item or it enters our warehouse. Refunds can take up to 10 business days after receiving your item.


We only replace items if they are defective or damaged. If you need to exchange an item for the same item, contact us at jessi.bieker@containernut.com. We will need to verify first that it qualifies for an exchange and when approved, we will send out a return shipping label.